Page name: blood forest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-01-31 05:31:07
Last author: Eyonic
Owner: Eyonic
# of watchers: 4
Fans: 0
D20: 7
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Into the darkness you step, trees looming over you, blocking out all but a little sunlight. leaves, debris, bushes, and roots cover the ground, making walking through almost impossible. Animal noises can be heard from the depths, but as far as you can tell there are none near hope. Will you brave the dark depths of this forest so well named Blood Forest?


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Over to Torture Castle rp

-BF: Crystal Fellowship Archive

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2008-02-18 [Eyonic]: wow you guys..... I'm glad I made a separate page for this....

2008-02-18 [Rook.]: ...Sorry....we're REALLY in love ^^ can't help it at all ^^

2008-02-18 [Sir Riddle]: very true^^^ we coudn't be in love more than this^^^ (although I'm trying hard^^^)

2008-02-19 [Rook.]: ^^ I think it's true that it can happen...^^

2008-02-19 [Eyonic]: my goodness. If you two got any more.... lovey-dovy I think I would have to rate this page either pg-13 or R

2008-02-19 [Sir Riddle]: I agree^^^

what's pg-13 or R?

2008-02-19 [Rook.]: It's ratings you put on films if there is
-unnapropriate content for under the age of 13
-unnapropriate content for under the age 18

2008-02-19 [Sir Riddle]: ahhh...^^^

2008-02-19 [Rook.]: yep ^^

2008-02-19 [Sir Riddle]: we have something alike here^^^ but we call it age-rating^^^

2008-02-19 [Eyonic]: oh

2008-02-19 [Rook.]: ^_^ *grins* nice

2008-02-19 [Sir Riddle]: *grins as well* but what does the "pg" stand for?

2008-02-19 [Rook.]: parental guidance

2008-02-19 [Sir Riddle]: would that absolutely be required here?^^^

2008-02-19 [Rook.]: ^^ most likely ^^

2008-02-19 [Sir Riddle]: we're not that bad, are we??

2008-02-19 [Rook.]: no...not really...^^ but if it were made to be on film...then perhaps so...^^

2008-02-19 [Sir Riddle]: I'd never play in a movie though...^^^

2008-02-19 [Rook.]: oooh...why not?? ^^

2008-02-20 [Sir Riddle]: I wouldn't be able to speak a word..., I'm too shy...^^^"

2008-02-20 [Rook.]: ^^ awww...*hugs* I can cure that ^^

2008-02-20 [Sir Riddle]: how??^^^*hugs back*

2008-02-20 [Rook.]: *grins* i have no idea yet...

2008-02-20 [Sir Riddle]: yet?^^^

2008-02-20 [Rook.]: yes, yet...I'm thinking about a good way to celebrate...perhaps i'll celebrate with Vic tonight...^^

2008-02-20 [Lady Arrianya]: uh-oh

2008-02-20 [Rook.]: sorry...wrong wiki....

2008-02-20 [Sir Riddle]: nice one^^^

2008-02-20 [Rook.]: ^^

2008-02-20 [Sir Riddle]: *hugs you*^^^

2008-02-20 [Rook.]: *hugs you back* ^^

2008-02-20 [Sir Riddle]: *kisses you*^^^

2008-02-20 [Rook.]: *kisses you back* ^^

2008-02-20 [Sir Riddle]: I'm so glad to be with you!!

2008-02-20 [Rook.]: and i'm glad to be with you!!

2008-02-20 [Sir Riddle]: I feel so lucky...

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: as do I...

2008-02-21 [Sir Riddle]: *kisses you*

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: *kisses you back*

2008-02-21 [Sir Riddle]: *hold you*

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: *wraps my arms around you*

2008-02-21 [Sir Riddle]: *kisses you again*

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: *kisses you back*

2008-02-21 [Sir Riddle]: *holds you*

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: *is held and wraps my arms around you*

2008-02-21 [Sir Riddle]: I'd hold you forever if that was possibe...

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: and I would love that...

2008-02-21 [Sir Riddle]: so would I...

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: *hugs*

2008-02-21 [Sir Riddle]: *hugs back*

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: *grins*

2008-02-22 [Eyonic]: because of a certain person I'm going to refrain from coming to the torture rp wikis mainly to keep my temper<img:44166_1164145272.gif> and sanity until she stops whining. I will still be watching, so good day to you all.

2008-02-22 [Rook.]: awwww Pup....why do you have to go?? We need help in the rping process....

2008-02-24 [Eyonic]: don't worry, I'll still be watching...

2008-02-24 [Lady Arrianya]: one would hope so. one needs someone who can smack her and remind her when she is way out of line

2008-02-25 [Rook.]: My Character is DEFINANTLEY NOT vegitarian...^^

2008-02-25 [Sir Riddle]: the bark is like a plate..., not for eating...^^^

2008-02-25 [Rook.]: oh...darn...? ^^

2008-02-26 [Eyonic]: lol! I think I may be able to come back to the torture wiki's more often now....

2008-02-26 [Rook.]: ^^ okies...

2008-02-26 [Eyonic]: wow....perhaps I ought to archive this page.....

2008-02-26 [Rook.]: probably...

2008-02-26 [Sir Riddle]: indeed^^^

2008-02-26 [Rook.]: *laughs* ^^

2008-02-27 [Lady Arrianya]: please do pup....mines still being retarded

2008-02-27 [Eyonic]: alright then

2008-09-30 [Rook.]: so, how did it go...

2008-09-30 [Eyonic]: nani?

2008-10-01 [Rook.]: oh... hm....

2008-10-01 [Eyonic]: ...I confusded

2008-10-02 [Rook.]: me too

2008-10-07 [Lady Arrianya]: Bleh?

2008-10-07 [Rook.]: EXACTLY!!! :D

2008-10-08 [Eyonic]: rawr

2008-10-14 [Frost-:-Wing]: YAY time for me to jump in!

2008-10-15 [Eyonic]: oh? *raises an eyebrow* and who is this?

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: I'm pete, Poe's school buddy, she invited me to join. :P

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: Yeah. I did. I might be sorry

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: O_O What?

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: lol

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: <_< lol

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: RP... please..

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: Why can't I edit it right now...???

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: I posted.

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: It's an intro so it's long. :D

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: GOSH!! LET ME POST ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!! *bounces*

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: xD There, I think I fixed it....

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: He gonna kill you! lol jk

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: *waits impatiently*

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: lol. i'm the one wating impatiently

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: Now you are...:P

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: Now I am again

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: brb gots ta take out the trash >_>

2008-10-15 [Eyonic]: rawr! i wanna post now! where'd the edit button go...?

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: It's there now.

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: GAH It's gone again! lol

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: post now empty one :D

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: lol ^.^ I'm posting after her, then moving us all to the room of trture to torture you, pete... :P

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: Torture me!? Wha? I be a torturererer..>,..,<

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: you get to be ^.^ I was joking pete

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol I know just playing along :P i'll come too.

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: Riiiiiiight.....

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: Where did empty one go?

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: =_=

2008-10-15 [Eyonic]: oooo, I'M BACK!!!!!

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: EYO!!! *pounces*

2008-10-15 [Eyonic]: hoooh noooo!

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: *giggles evily* ^.^

2008-10-15 [Eyonic]: *frowns and looks worried* uh oh, I is in twouble now...

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: *giggles and pounces again*

2008-10-15 [Eyonic]: Aaahhhhhhhhh! oh the torture!!!! *acts dramatic*

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: *laughs and tickles* oh yes, the torture ^.^

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: *chuckles*

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: I'll hold her back!!! *grabs Poe's arms*

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: *falls back on Snow and sits on him* hehehe...

2008-10-15 [Eyonic]: oki, now i tickles her! *tickle attacks poe*

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: *chokes* *splutters* get off me! *turns into horsie and gllops over you.

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: HELP!! !I'm being attacjked!!!

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: *shunnnnn* :P

2008-10-15 [Eyonic]: I wuv you peoples!!!! such randomness!!! woot!

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: *hugs* wuv u2

2008-10-15 [Eyonic]: Ack! you huged me!! *starts panicking and goes into fatal possition*

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: *tilts head* u nutty

2008-10-16 [Rook.]: @.@ NO PETE!!! you dont hug Eyo.... its a big no-no..... I can only hug her if i ask... *kneels next to Eyo and tries to calm*

2008-10-16 [Frost-:-Wing]: *recoils*

2008-10-17 [Rook.]: *looks softly at Snow before standing up* well.. no need to recoil...

2008-10-17 [Eyonic]: *shivers and looks at snow* bad past experience that started with a hug....don't like em much now, especially from people i don't know well

2008-10-20 [Rook.]: :S

2008-10-20 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol ok

2008-10-20 [Rook.]: ^.^

2008-10-20 [Frost-:-Wing]: >_> extinguish..*mumbles*

2008-10-20 [Rook.]: WHO CARES>!>!>!>!

2008-10-20 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol :P

2008-10-20 [Eyonic]: tehehehehe

2008-10-20 [Rook.]: ^.^ who is editing it now?

2008-10-20 [Frost-:-Wing]: I was :P my post was too short for me.

2008-10-20 [Rook.]: and your doing it again... :P

2008-10-20 [Rook.]: STOP THAT!!!! I NEED TO POST!!!! GRRRRGGGG

2008-10-20 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol :P

2008-10-21 [Rook.]: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SNOW!!!!!!!! *sings happy birthday and dances around in a circle around Snow*

2008-10-21 [Frost-:-Wing]: YAY THANKYOU!!!! :3

2008-10-21 [Rook.]:


2008-10-21 [Frost-:-Wing]: <img:stuff/mood10_gif.gif><img:stuff/sing.gif>

2008-10-21 [Rook.]: *laughs*

2008-10-21 [Rook.]:



2008-10-21 [Eyonic]: lol happy B-day

2008-10-21 [Frost-:-Wing]: Thanks Eyo! :D

2008-10-21 [Frost-:-Wing]: gurr right when I was about to reply..>_> lol

2008-10-21 [Rook.]: so sorry... not!! :P

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